Friday, December 6, 2013

Live Tweeting Story

This article was tragic. It describes a woman who works as someone who monitors traffic was live tweeting an accident one day. She tweeted that there was an accident, and there was one confirmed fatality. The day continues and she explains that she is worried about her husband because he drives home that way and was not answering her phone. She continues tweeting, and later finds out that the person who died in that accident was indeed her husband. She had live tweeted the entire event without ever knowing.

This article just shows how the Internet can connect two people when they have no other way of being connected. She live tweeted an event, and heard from the police later that night that it was in fact her husband, but back in the moment she was able to share her reactions to other worried friends and family what was going on.

One of the best features that Twitter has to offer is immediate response, and news updates. Although the woman was not with her husband when he passed away, her live tweeting and attachment to the situation allowed her to be slightly more connected to him than if she had no technology at all. Twitter has capabilities of helping in situations like these, offering information, news and the circulation of ideas to people who are interested in learning immediate details of a situation.

Yet Another Form of Social Media

Justin Bieber has helped fund this new app for smartphones called "Shots of Me". At first one might think this is very similar to Snapchat, or Instagram, or any other app where you take pictures, but the purpose of this specific app was to help fight against cyber bullying and inappropriate commenting.

This app definitely does have overwhelming similarities to the other apps of its kind, but it does have the purpose of only being for taking selfies, pictures that someone takes themselves, of themselves.

The app only works through the front-facing camera to protect against people taking pictures of anything other than themselves. There are no filters to alter the images like there are on Instagram, so the picture you take is exactly what you look like with no alterations. One of the ways this app was designed to fight against cyber bullying was that comments are restricted. You can send a personal and private message to someone if you want to comment on their picture, but the public will not be able to see anything, preventing the spread of harmful comments.

Justin Bieber has invested $1.1 million dollars into this project, but so far, this project has been a flop, and is not nearly as successful as many people had hoped. Maybe over time it will become more successful when more people learn about the app and become more familiar with it.

Wikipedia Band Game

We all now know about Wikiwars, where the object is to race through the links of Wikipedia trying to find the fastest path from one word to another, but this article explains a different game that uses Wikipedia and other websites to help you create a band name, album title, and image for your band.

This is what my first time came up with...
My random band name is "Dapaloides" (it is an extinct genus of bony fish)
My random quote turned album title is "Any reaction, both are transformed" (the last part of a quote by Carl Jung)
This is the third photo on the page that will be my album cover.
___________ by ginaballerina.
Clearly, this game is foolproof. These random links give exceptional band names, album covers, and titles just like they seem to be in the real world.  If you ever want to start a band, I would absolutely recommend this game.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

New Design Changes

Even though the semester is winding down to an end, I thought I'd change my blog up just a little bit more. I changed the fonts up, made some adjustments to the layout and template and was even inspired to create a new blog to use during my semester abroad next semester in Spain! All of this practicing with this blog has allowed me to become much more knowledgeable in the world of blogging, and I'm excited to keep a new one up-to-date in the Spring!

Reblogging Little Antithesis!/2013/10/waldeinsamkeit.html

I loved this blogpost This Little Antithesis!

I thought that this article might be one of the greatest that I saw this semester from the perspective that sides more with technology than with it's users. Many times people blame technology, and the new inventions of such, but we have the capability of walking away from it whether we are off-the-grid or not. We are the ones who have the choice of using phones, computers, and all other devices. If we don't want to be connected to the world, we can personally choose not to, and try to step away from it. We need to learn to have the self control to walk away from technology when we need to.

The quotes listed are all very representative of how we cannot always escape technology, but how we can learn to embrace life with it, and take steps to walk away if that need be the case. I thought that this quote said it best when he wrote, "to once again drink deeply from a mountain stream. And to stretch out under the open sky at night, gaze up at the stars, and use my phone to name each and every one," proving that our natural world and the use of technology are completely morphing into one, but it's necessary that we learn how to manage the interaction between the two separate worlds.

My Time as a Blogger

Throughout the semester, I have blogged for this Internet Studies class. At first it felt a little weird to make posts to the Internet, where it didn't seem like anything I wrote was going to matter. It was like I was typing to myself, only no one was ever going to respond, like an online, open diary or something.

The blogspot website is extremely easy to use once your blog is set up as you'd like. There were so many options for the layout, background colors or themes, fonts, etc. of all the different aesthetics for the blog itself. My favorite blog posts from the semester were articles or videos I found that had information that surprised me. For instance, I never would have guessed that there is a festival where all of the cat enthusiasts of the Internet gather together to dress up, watch videos, and do all types of crazy cat-related activities. There was so much I didn't know about the Internet before this class, and through exploring the web for articles to help with my blog, along with the readings and class discussions, I learned more about the Internet than I realized there was to learn in the first place.

My advice to future bloggers is to write about what interests you. I think it is clear when someone posts about what they are interested in vs. a completely boring article that they didn't actually read, but simply found and posted to their blog. I think that blogging about any topic is beneficial, especially for this class because it allows you to explore and find things on the Internet that you may not have researched, or found otherwise. I would tell students to set aside a time every week to blog, because I know I did that, and it helped me save time, and be responsible with time management.

I really enjoyed writing the blog for this class because I researched topics that I was interested in, and I would recommend that other students do the same. I learned how to embed videos, which I didn't know how to do before, and I learned all of the information that was dictated to me through the videos as well. My main advice is to just blog your hearts out kids. It's easy, rewarding, and can oftentimes actually be really fun!

New Technologies That We Will Need Forever

This article blew my mind a little bit. The technology that is being designed and invented is so impressive, and will absolutely change the world as we have come to know it. We already possess many different varieties of technology, however the ten pieces of technology discussed in this article are very noteable as ones that will make changes many of us never thought possible.

I don't even know how to choose which of these new technologies I thought would be the most influential because they all have the capabilities of enhancing life for different groups of people.

The technologies included in the article are the following:
1. Advanced genomics and personalized medicine (saving lives based on individual tumors and injury zones). 2. Injury-Proof Car (think of all the lives that would be saved from deadly car crashes). 3. 3D printing (similar to cloning, only non-living items can be recreated and printed). 4. Prosthetic limbs that restore the feeling of touch (this allows amputees to gain back their body part, and be able to feel the things that they are touching as if it was the original body part). 5. Portable laser pens that heal wounds (the laser in the pen welds a wound allowing it to heal better and faster). 6. The sunscreen pill (this pill will be able to protect the human body against getting sunburn). 7. Robots (these robots are actually being put to good use). 8. Brain-controlled prosthetic devices (that will allow paralyzed patients to move again). 9. Smart glasses to help blind people see. 10. Injectible tissue engineering (has the potential to treating damaged joints and this may become more developed over the next decade).

It is weird to me that the science fiction of the past, is not only occuring in the present-day, but humans are actually developing further past the wildest dreams of the past generations. The technologies being invented are so extravagent, detailed, and intelligent that it is hard to decipher what is fact or fiction anymore since all of these seem to good to be true. And all of this in the next decade... we'll have to wait and see what actually happens, and which, if not all of these will come true.

We've Always Been This Way

This article explains that we have not changed in our obsession with technology, simply the technology has changed instead. It is undeniable that our society is slightly media-obsessed, and many people think that has become especially true since the development of the smart phone which has provided an instant connection from your pocket to the rest of the world in a matter of moments.

The article shows pictures of people on our form of technology now, ignoring others when sitting with them, connecting themselves to others throughout the world, while neglecting to have a common interaction with an actual human being. There are then a slew of present-day pictures compared to those from the early 20th century, showing the similarities between the time periods.

Even in the early 1900's people were ignoring human interactions through their reading the newspapers, much like how people currently look to their phones. The article explains that even though the world is changing, and technology is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives, we as humans are not changing the way we react to this new technology.

I thought that this was really interesting because when I think of technology, I never considered the newspaper to be one of them. But as newspapers became so common in the 20th century, people used them to get the news, much like how people currently use their phones to get the news online, or through some other social media outlet.

There is then this quote at the end of the article:

"The art of conversation is almost a lost one. People talk as they ride bicycles — at a rush — without pausing to consider their surroundings…What has been generally understood as cultured society is rapidly deteriorating into basebsss and voluntary ignorance. The profession of letters is so little understood, and so far from being seriously appreciated, that…Newspapers are full, not of thoughtful honestly expressed public opinion on the affairs of the nation, but of vapid personalities interesting to none save gossips and busy bodies."

-Marie Corelli, Free Opinions, Freely Expressed, 1905.

Clearly, with every new technology that is released to the public, we are going to become enthralled with, and have a period of time with pure obsession, and crazy tendencies when concerned with our devices, but this has happened to generations before our own, and will most definitely happen continuously into the future.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Is the Internet Making Us Crazy?

This article explains the anonymous "nobody" gone famous in a very short amount of time, who eventually went crazy from his use of the Internet. Jason Russell was the man responsible for the Kony documentary of 2012, where he explained that the warlord of Africa, Joseph Kony had to be caught. The video was going to be published for 2012, but then deleted. Apparently within the first few days he only got two hours of sleep, perpetually checking and updating his Facebook and Twitter.

He was eventually diagnosed "reactive psychosis" which is a temporary form of insanity based on his overuse and obsession with keeping up-to-date with the social media. Apparently this is a new diagnosis, but it is very common with the prevalent obsession with the new technology. He was hospitalized for a few months, and was later released. The Internet has a deleterious effect on the mind's of many people associated with it, and this is proving to be very dangerous to many Internet users across the globe.