Sunday, September 8, 2013

Articles on the Boys of the Internet

1. Bruce Sterling Blog
While rummaging through the internet sites filled with information on the various authors we've read in class so far, I discovered Bruce Sterling's blog entitled, "Beyond the Beyond," where he posts videos, pictures, and links to various other sites which are all about different new aspects of technology. 

His newest blog post was a video about the type of technology called the Senseye, The Eye Tribe Tracker which has the capability of tracking the movements of your eye on different technological outlets. It is being called the world's first affordable eye tracker, and in the video it demonstrates the accuracy of the senseye to the size of a fingertip.

Sterling's blog posts are all very insightful to new, different forms of technology, with what different groups of people and organizations are creating, as well as his own personal comments on the different posts.

2. Article on Bruce Sterling and the Internet
This article, written by Alexis C. Madrigal is called, "Bruce Sterling on Why It Stopped Making Sense to Talk about 'The Internet' in 2012," which I thought was a very interesting title since our class is Internet Studies. The article begins by explaining that there are five simple reasons to stop discussing the internet which are Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft.

The article continues to explain that the term "the internet" is so broad and diverse that it can mean countless different things, relating to the infrastructure itself, memes, culture, it's speed and distribution etc.

Bruce Sterling admits that in 2012, it doesn't make sense to talk about the Internet anymore, but rather that it would be better to simply study Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft because these powerful and successful companies are shaping the Internet to the image that they want to see in the future.

I thought it was interesting that the Internet, so diverse and vast can be narrowed down to five American companies that have most if not all of the control on the direction that the Internet moves and flourishes. To have the Internet so dominated by these five entities is almost unreal based on how many different websites and companies exist world wide that also use and thrive with the Internet.

3. Internet Hall of Fame
This article explains why Tim Berners-Lee has been inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame, since he created the World Wide Web, and has other various accomplishments with the Internet and his career.

At the end of the article is a short video that shows Tim Berners-Lee receive his award for being inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame where he makes a brief speech where he discusses his past work with the Internet as well as the people who helped him along the way, and his plans for the future.


  1. I didn't know that the new technology was called Senseye! Definitely something I will further look into. Last week in my Mass Communications class, we discussed how they use that technology to create heat-maps that basically show where the eyes lingered longest and go towards first-- a really great innovation for web design, web layout, and web advertising!

    And thanks for sharing that article! :)

  2. Re-blogged your blogpost link about the eye software! Too awesome!
