Sunday, October 6, 2013

Internet Explorer Advertisement

While on the topic of Internet Explorer advertisements, I decided to share this commercial as well. It consists of a boy sitting in his room commenting on blogs and tweeting about Internet Explorer and how it sucks (similar to what we've been talking about with people leaving hateful comments to get reactions and conversations started).

I like how Internet Explorer makes their ads, acknowledging that they have a reputation attached to their name. They even show the boy typing "Internet Exploder". They use wit and humor to let the audience that they know how they are perceived in the world, but how this perception should now be altered since they have made so many changes to the website over the past few years.

By the end of the commercial, after the other bloggers continuously post about the benefits that Internet Explorer has, he changes his mind and blogs that "IE sucks...less." Then the screen flashes to the symbol of Internet Explorer and the words say, "Progress. Comebacks come in many shapes and sizes," proving that it will take some time for people to make adjustments, and for Internet Explorer to make a comeback and be a competition to all of the other internet browsers with better reputations.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is interesting, but is it really an effective advertising method?
